
周三, 07/27/2011 - 00:05


Hi. This week I want to talk about some secrets, as to how you can break the code of business English. The simple answer, first of all, the first secret, is you need to build a foundation, this is absolutely critical.

Well, what do I mean by this? Lots of people in China when they meet business English, discover that it’s very difficult, there’s a lot that they don’t understand. And the solution that most people try to use to solve this problem is to study business English; specifically business English. They buy bunnies English text books, business English guides. And if you ask them whether or not they’re interested in daily English the answer is very often; no, they have no interest in daily English, they just want to learn business English. Well, this is an important question you have to ask yourself: ‘what is business English?’ And, when you know what it is: ‘how do you study it?’ I can assure you that rote, memorising terms, is never going to help you understand business English. Why? Well let me analyse an article for you, and you’ll understand better.

This is an article, or a piece of an article, taken from CNN news story about the economy in the United States. If you look at it, if you read it, you’ll probably find it’s a little bit difficult to understand. We’ve gone through this and we’ve analysed, and we’ve pulled out some red words. The red words are the very specific, technical business or financial terms that are related to the story in question. The blue words are names of companies, or people, or places. So if you look at the red words you can see that they really don’t take up very much of the space of the article at all. It’s roughly about five percent of the total space of the article is taken up by these business words. And if you just read these words, you’re not going to understand what this article is about. On the other hand, if you read all of the black words, they’re common, everyday English words, these are the most high frequency, and most frequently met English words in the language. Then, by reading the black, by reading the high frequency words, you’re actually going to be able to understand a lot more than if you were trying to understand it through the red, technical words.

So what you have is a situation where you’ve got a foundation of daily English, and then you take the very specific technical words, the red ones, and you just plunk them in, you drop them in. When we were creating Kung-Fu English we understood this was really important, so we focused a lot on helping people master the foundations of daily English, because it’s only when you have these foundations of daily English that you can actually plug in the technical terms of business English. If you only have the technical terms, you can’t communicate, you can’t understand.

So an important concept to really understand at this point is that you’ve got to have your foundation. Your foundation is daily English language. Business English language is daily English language, plus a little bit.
